Abstract submission regulation and guidelines


1. The presenting author has to be the one who submits the abstract and needs to be registered in the abstract submitting platform. Select "Abstract Submission" and proceed with the registration.

2. Topic list

  • Beauty technology and digital application
  • Beauty innovation in raw material packaging and finished products
  • Beauty tradition and evolution
  • Beauty safety and efficacy testing
  • Natural resources for new ingredients

3. Abstract guidelines

  • Abstracts must be submitted in English and should have a minimum of 300 words but not exceed 530 words. Tables and figures can be included in the abstract only if they are essential to the understanding of the abstract.
  • Abstract should describe original scientific work and must not have been previously submitted for publication, or submitted to any other conference or congress.
  • Abstract must include the following:

    1. Title ( Maximum 25 words )
    2. Authors and Affiliation
    3. Three to five keywords should be submitted to aid the review process.
    4. Introduction: Stating the purpose or aim of the paper.
    5. Methods
    6. Results
    7. Discussion
    * Authors should use INCI names or IUPAC, USP, NF names and avoid the use of any commercial or chemical trade names. The mentioning of equipment trade names is acceptable unless the intenction of the presentation is to promote the use of said equipment.
    * Authors of accepted abstracts must submit the full paper by the requested deadline. The manuscript should not exceed 5,000 words and can include illustrations, charts and tables.
    * At the time of the Congress, all scientific work in Podium presentation and posters must be original scientific work and must not have been previously purblished nor submitted for publication or presented at any conference or congress.
    * Each author whose abstract is accepted thereby is required to accept the copyright statement for both the abstract and the full paper.
    * Scientific committee will review all abstract submitted and include them into designtated sessions (podium or poster) as qualified by the committee.
    * Abstract selected must be presented by the designated author.
    * The designated presenter is expected to register and present the content in the abstract during the designated schedule of the conference.
    * Poster must be printed for the poster display throughout the conference and presenting author will be present during designated periods.
    * Please do not email abstract, all abstracts will be submitted by this website. CLICK HERE.

Schedule of Deadlines
January 31, 2024 Call for papers and registration open
December 31, 2024 Abstract submission deadline
January 31, 2025 Acceptance and formal notification
February 28, 2025 Deadline for author presenter registration
April 30, 2025 Deadline to submit poster in PDF Format
June 4-5, 2025 Conference podium and poster sessions